Asignatura: Instala Y configura Aplicaciones y Servicios.
Grupo: 512
Tema: Guía operativa de procedimientos para configurar e
instalar servicios en un sistema operativo comercial Windows Server 2008, a
través de Virtual Box
Objetivo: Producir una Guía operativa de procedimientos para
configurar e instalar servicios en un sistema operativo comercial Windows
Máquinas virtuales: qué son, cómo funcionan y cómo
Virtual machines: what they are, how they work and how to use them
Virtual machines: what they are, how they work and how to use them
¿Qué es una máquina virtual?
What is a virtual machine?
What is a virtual machine?
Una vez nos ha quedado claro que una máquina virtual no es
realmente ninguna máquina llena de engranajes con un casco de realidad virtual,
sino un software, entremos más en detalle sobre qué son las máquinas virtuales.
Once it has become clear that a virtual machine is not really any machine full of gears with a virtual reality helmet, but a software, let's go into more detail about what virtual machines are.
Once it has become clear that a virtual machine is not really any machine full of gears with a virtual reality helmet, but a software, let's go into more detail about what virtual machines are.
The first thing you should know is that there are two types of virtual machines differentiated by their functionality: the system and the process ones, although most of the times you hear about a virtual machine almost certainly they will be referring to those of system.
ordenador emulado tiene su propia CPU, disco duro, tarjeta de redes, tarjeta
gráfica, memoria, etc. Todos ellos, elementos virtuales (emulados) que
funcionan exactamente igual que el hardware real del equipo en que se está
The emulated computer has its own CPU, hard drive, network card, graphics card, memory, etc. All of them, virtual elements (emulated) that work exactly like the real hardware of the computer on which it is running.
The emulated computer has its own CPU, hard drive, network card, graphics card, memory, etc. All of them, virtual elements (emulated) that work exactly like the real hardware of the computer on which it is running.
Máquinas virtuales de sistema
System virtual machines
System virtual machines
Una máquina virtual de sistema es aquella que emula a un
ordenador completo. En palabras llanas, es un software que puede hacerse pasar
por otro dispositivo -como un PC- de tal modo que puedes ejecutar otro sistema
operativo en su interior. Tiene su propio disco duro, memoria, tarjeta gráfica
y demás componentes de hardware, aunque todos ellos son virtuales.
A system virtual machine is one that emulates a complete computer. In plain words, it is software that can impersonate another device - such as a PC - so that you can run another operating system inside. It has its own hard disk, memory, graphics card and other hardware components, although all of them are virtual.
A system virtual machine is one that emulates a complete computer. In plain words, it is software that can impersonate another device - such as a PC - so that you can run another operating system inside. It has its own hard disk, memory, graphics card and other hardware components, although all of them are virtual.
That its components are virtual does not necessarily mean that they do not exist. For example, a virtual machine may have reserved resources of 2 GB of RAM and 20 GB of hard disk, which obviously leave somewhere: from the PC where the virtual machine is installed, also sometimes called the hypervisor, the host or the host. Other devices might actually be physically non-existent, such as a CD-ROM that really is the content of an ISO image instead of a real CD player.
Todos los recursos que utiliza una máquina virtual son tomados de los recursos del ordenador original. Imaginemos que, por ejemplo, nuestro PC tiene 32GB RAM. Si creamos una máquina virtual con 8GB RAM y otra con 4GB de RAM, nos quedaría la siguiente distribución*:
All the resources that a virtual machine uses are taken from the resources of the original computer. Imagine that, for example, our PC has 32GB RAM. If we create a virtual machine with 8GB RAM and another with 4GB of RAM, we would have the following distribution *:
Para el sistema operativo que se ejecuta dentro de la
máquina virtual toda esta emulación es transparente e invisible. Todo funciona
igual a si se estuviera ejecutando en un PC normal, sin que sepa que en verdad
está metido dentro de una burbuja dentro de otro sistema operativo. De hecho,
nada te impide hacer como en la película Inception / Origen y crear otra
máquina virtual dentro de la anterior máquina virtual.
For the operating system that runs inside the virtual machine all this emulation is transparent and invisible. Everything works the same as if it were running on a normal PC, without knowing that it is really stuck inside a bubble inside another operating system. In fact, nothing prevents you from doing as in the Inception / Source movie and creating another virtual machine inside the previous virtual machine.
En su burbuja, la máquina virtual no puede acceder al resto
de datos de la máquina anfitrión a pesar de estar físicamente funcionando en la
misma, están aisladas. No obstante, las principales aplicaciones de máquinas
virtuales como VirtualBox o VMWare disponen de atajos y herramientas para
facilitar la tarea de pasar archivos de una máquina a otra.
In its bubble, the virtual machine cannot access the rest of the data of the host machine even though it is physically functioning in it, they are isolated. However, the main applications of virtual machines such as VirtualBox or VMWare have shortcuts and tools to facilitate the task of transferring files from one machine to another.
Para funcionar, una máquina virtual mapea los dispositivos
virtuales que ofrece a su invitado con los dispositivos reales presentes en la
máquina física. Por ejemplo, la máquina puede estar emulando una tarjeta de
sonido Sound Blaster de 16 bit, aunque en verdad está conectada con la tarjeta
de sonido interna de la placa base de tu PC portátil que es Realtek.
To function, a virtual machine maps the virtual devices it offers its guest with the actual devices present in the physical machine. For example, the machine may be emulating a 16-bit Sound Blaster sound card, although it is actually connected to the internal sound card of the motherboard of your laptop that is Realtek.
To function, a virtual machine maps the virtual devices it offers its guest with the actual devices present in the physical machine. For example, the machine may be emulating a 16-bit Sound Blaster sound card, although it is actually connected to the internal sound card of the motherboard of your laptop that is Realtek.
La virtualización puede ser por software o con apoyo
mediante el hardware, en cuyo caso se obtiene un mejor rendimiento. Desde 2005
es común que los procesadores cuenten con tecnología de virtualización por
hardware, aunque no siempre está activada por defecto en la BIOS.
Virtualization can be by software or with hardware support, in which case you get better performance. Since 2005 it is common for processors to have hardware virtualization technology, although it is not always enabled by default in the BIOS.
Virtualization can be by software or with hardware support, in which case you get better performance. Since 2005 it is common for processors to have hardware virtualization technology, although it is not always enabled by default in the BIOS.
¿Y las máquinas virtuales de procesos?
And the virtual process machines?
And the virtual process machines?
Todo lo anterior aplicaría a las máquinas virtuales de
sistemas (más comúnmente utilizadas), pero también tenemos las máquinas
virtuales de procesos. Éstas, en vez de emular un equipo completo, ejecutan
procesos concretos, como por ejemplo una aplicación basada en .NET o en Java
para, entre otras cosas, conseguir que su funcionamiento sea siempre el mismo,
independientemente de la plataforma en la que se ejecute (Mac, Windows, Linux).
All of the above would apply to system virtual machines (more commonly used), but we also have process virtual machines. These, instead of emulating a complete computer, execute specific processes, such as an application based on .NET or Java to, among other things, ensure that its operation is always the same, regardless of the platform on which it runs (Mac, Windows, Linux).
All of the above would apply to system virtual machines (more commonly used), but we also have process virtual machines. These, instead of emulating a complete computer, execute specific processes, such as an application based on .NET or Java to, among other things, ensure that its operation is always the same, regardless of the platform on which it runs (Mac, Windows, Linux).
¿Qué sentido tiene crear máquinas virtuales?
What is the point of creating virtual machines?
What is the point of creating virtual machines?
Una máquina virtual puede crearse por diferentes motivos. La
mayoría de las veces se hace para probar sistemas operativos nuevos o
actualizaciones de los ya existentes, ejecutar programas antiguos, ver cómo
funciona una misma aplicación en distintos sistemas o abrir archivos
aparentemente maliciosos. El principal objetivo es poder hacer pruebas de
manera segura. Al estar aisladas del resto del equipo, si algo falla, no
afectará al ordenador que la ejecuta.
A virtual machine can be created for different reasons. Most of the time it is done to test new operating systems or update updates, run old programs, see how an incorrect application works on different systems or open apparently malicious files. The main objective is to be able to test safely. Being limited to the rest of the team, if something fails, it will not affect the computer that challenges it.
Máquinas virtuales de proceso
Virtual process machines
Virtual process machines
A virtual process machine is less ambitious than a system one. Instead of emulating a PC completely, it executes a specific process, such as an application, in its execution environment. It sounds somewhat esoteric, but you use it every time you run a Java-based or .NET Framework-based application.
Esto es de utilidad a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones
para varias plataformas, pues en vez de tener que programar específicamente
para cada sistema, el entorno de ejecución (es decir, la máquina virtual) es el
que se encarga de lidiar con el sistema operativo.
This is useful when developing applications for several platforms, because instead of having to program specifically for each system, the execution environment (that is, the virtual machine) is responsible for dealing with the operating system.
Para qué se usan las máquinas virtuales
What virtual machines are used for
Todo esto está muy bien, pero ¿para qué querría alguien
crear un PC virtual dentro de su PC? Aunque así de entrada pudiera parecer una
idea algo trivial, la verdad es que las máquinas virtuales tienen una gran
variedad de utilidades tanto en el entorno profesional como en el del
consumidor final. Estos son los principales usos:
All this is fine, but why would someone want to create a
virtual PC inside their PC? Although this may seem like a trivial idea at the
outset, the truth is that virtual machines have a wide variety of utilities
both in the professional environment and in the final consumer. These are the
main uses:
Todos estos usos vienen con una pega principal: el
rendimiento. Como es de esperar, si el hardware de tu PC se usa para mover dos
sistemas operativos a la vez en vez de uno, el rendimiento se resiente. Además,
aunque cada vez las aplicaciones para crear máquinas virtuales son más
eficientes y el hardware más potente, emular un sistema siempre requiere un
esfuerzo extra que no es necesario si el software se pudiera comunicar
directamente con el hardware, sin intermediarios.
All these uses come with a main drawback: performance. As
expected, if your PC hardware is used to move two operating systems at once
instead of one, performance suffers. In addition, although applications to
create virtual machines are becoming more efficient and hardware more powerful,
emulating a system always requires an extra effort that is not necessary if the
software could communicate directly with the hardware, without intermediaries.
Cómo se usa una máquina virtual
How a virtual machine is used
Para usar una máquina virtual lo primero que necesitas es
instalar una aplicación en tu PC capaz de crearla o al menos reproducirla. Hay
varias aplicaciones muy conocidas capaz de hacer esto, aunque las más famosas
son VMWare, VirtualBox, QEMU y Parallels.
To use a virtual machine, the first thing you need is to
install an application on your PC capable of creating it or at least playing
it. There are several well-known applications capable of doing this, although
the most famous are VMWare, VirtualBox, QEMU and Parallels.
La importancia de una máquina virtual para asegurar el
funcionamiento de software antiguo es tanta que Microsoft ha lanzado durante
estos años varios programas para Windows con este fin. Es el caso del Virtual
PC, Windows XP Mode o el nuevo HyperV.
The importance of a virtual machine to ensure the operation
of old software is so much that Microsoft has launched several programs for
Windows for this purpose during these years. This is the case of the Virtual
PC, Windows XP Mode or the new HyperV.
Por su naturaleza de código abierto, gran compatibilidad con
multitud de sistemas operativos anfitriones e invitados, nosotros nos vamos a
centrar en VirtualBox, pero probablemente obtendrás resultados similares con el
resto de programas.
Due to its open source nature, great compatibility with many
host and guest operating systems, we are going to focus on VirtualBox, but you
will probably get similar results with the rest of the programs.